Training Philosophy

Our Philosophy

At Central Allbreeds Dog Training School we promote the use of humane training methods founded in science and ruled by ethics. Common labels that get assigned to this type of training include,

  • Force Free
  • Clicker Training
  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Rewards Based
  • Progressive Reinforcement

Essentially we believe that we can use our brains rather than our brawn to train our dogs, without pain or force being applied. We know that behaviour that is rewarded will be repeated, and therefore we work to set ourselves and our dogs up to succeed so that they can practice getting it right in order to form socially acceptable habits, and learn in a positive manner how to live their lives with us, and us with them.

Our Training Tools

Our brain: It seem obvious but we forget we don’t have to work harder, when we can work smarter and set ourselves and our dogs up to succeed from the beginning.
Food: Your dog must eat every day and most dogs love to eat. So we use this to our advantage and encourage and reward behaviours we like with food in class. We will reduce the amount of food we use over time and we’ll show you how to transition from food to other rewards to reinforce your dog.
Toys: If your dog loves a tennis ball, use it in your training. Reward your dog for coming back to you with your dog’s favourite toy. Rewards don’t have to be food.
Life rewards: We help you consider what other things in life your dog will see as a reward and we’ll help you figure out how you can use those to assist you with your training programme.

So check out our range of classes and see if there’s something for you and your dog. If you have any questions or concerns around the suitability of classes, please get in touch.

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